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Dan Cutchen - Future Hope Ministries
Encouraging unity in the Family of God through evangelism
and the worship of Jesus Christ.
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Future Hope Ministries (Future Hope Corp.)
is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization.
President: Dan Cutchen
Administrative Assistant: Joy Cutchen
Board of Directors:
Secretary: Tom Phillips, Flushing MI. Young Life (retired)
Stephen Cutchen, Waxahachie TX. Guidestone Financial Services
Larry Wright, Cedar Hill TX. United Methodist lay speaker (retired)
Yeshua, Come is from our Lord of Breakthroughs music project.
Glorious Day! is from our ReJoice! music project.
Lord of Breakthroughs CD
Introducing some Messianic praise and worship songs (mostly English and some Hebrew) from our newest project. These songs were birthed during the 12 years we led worship at Bat Zion Messianic Congregation in Duncanville, (Dallas), TX.
See our Resources page to order
Don't Be a Roly Poly
is on our "Krazy Prayz" CD project.
Purchase it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and other sites.
My God is Awesome
is on our "Wiggle" CD project.
Purchase it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and other sites.
I've Got My Shoes On Backwards
is on our "Krazy Prayz" CD project.
Purchase it on iTunes, Google Play, Amazon and other sites.
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